Mon-Wed: 8AM-7PM | Thurs: 8AM-6PM | Fri: 8AM-12PM | Sat: 8AM-12PM | Sun: Closed

Jade Khoury

Principal Podiatrist

As a registered Podiatrist, Jade brings her extensive knowledge of sports (including martial arts and dance to the table) and women’s health. Her work ethic is unparalleled; she attributes this success rate due largely because it takes more than just talent or skill set for someone who wants something – they have dedication.

Jade holds a Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine (University of Western Sydney) and a Certificate IV Physical Training, Strength and Conditioning; she is also a member of Australian Podiatry Association; Sports & Exercise Podiatry Australia and Member of FitRec Australia. Jade’s special interests include: Women’s Health, Holistic Health, Sports and Musculoskeletal Medicine
