Sports Injuries
Sport injuries can occur during any type of physical exercise and are generally the result of participants coming together in a contest or moment. Sports injuries are also a result of incorrect techniques resulting in the failure of the system to meet the demand placed upon it.
Common injuries seen in the clinic recently include: ankle sprains, calf hamstring and groin strains, shin splints, runner’s knee, achilles pain, sciatica, golfer’s or tennis elbow, ACL injury and shoulder injuries.
Individualised sport specific programs that are regularly and correctly undertaken will maximise the desired goal, reduce the participants risk of injury and most importantly return the participant as a new and IMPROVED version. A treatment approach will be agreed upon in conjunction with the treating practitioner in the initial consultation and will include three main objectives; treat the acute inflammatory phase, regain motor control strength & mobility and then maximise sport specific drills linked to your chosen sport/s.