Back pain is a malady that many people complain of and this is also primarily because most people lead sedentary lives and are stuck to their PCs and desks for extended periods of time. If you experience any type of back pain, you should consult a good physiotherapist without delay.
There are a number of different ways in which physiotherapy can help in alleviating low back pain. While this back pain may seem very intense, most low back pain problems aren’t caused by any serious problems. A good physiotherapist would be able to effectively assess and diagnose the condition and provide suitable treatment, and all this can be done without using any diagnostic imaging.
The symptoms
Back pain can manifest itself in a number of different ways such as:
- The person may feel localised pain in the buttocks and lower back area, just above the tailbone.
- Radiating pain may also occur along with the back pain and this can be felt in the feet as well as the legs.
- The back pain may be accompanied by a tingling sensation or numbness in the legs and back; this is generally caused due to irritation of the nerves.
- In some individuals, the symptoms may occur in the legs and not in the back at all and this is called referred pain.
As mentioned at the outset, back pain is largely a result of lifestyle factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, improper bending and lifting techniques, and being in a poor physical condition. Early intervention is key to reducing back pain and getting you back to an active state quickly.
Tailored physiotherapy treatment plans
A qualified physiotherapist will design a treatment plan that’s centred on mechanics, posture improvement, and exercise. This is effective in improving the symptoms and reducing the chances of recurrence. A physiotherapist will customise the plan in order for it to be effective in treating your specific problem. This would be based on a comprehensive examination and identifying the probable causes of the pain.
If you seek out a qualified, trained and experienced physiotherapist as soon as you begin to experience back pain, the treatment can be extremely effective. The more you defer the treatment, the more difficult it becomes to treat. Most people feel that they should avoid activity and take some bed rest when they have lower back pain. This is a misconception and it’s important to remain active and avoid bed rest. Once the physiotherapist has examined, assessed and diagnosed your condition, he/she will design a treatment plan that could include:
- Manual therapy – This involves the hands-on mobilisation of your back joints.
- Movement exercises – These help reduce the severity of the radiating pain and restore motion. These exercises are effective even if the person is suffering from chronic back pain.
- Progressive strengthening exercises – These focus on building endurance and core stability.
People who suffer from low back pain often wonder whether they really need to go through these physiotherapy sessions and feel that they should simply wait it out. While waiting will reduce the symptoms, that won’t really help in getting to the root of the problem and fixing it. This is why it is important that you consult a good physiotherapist a before trying any DIY therapies of trying to manage the back pain yourself.
We at Insync Physiotherapy have skilled and experienced physiotherapists on board and can provide excellent treatments and care. For any more information on the different types of services we provide, feel free to contact us on (02) 7226 3432. You can also send us your queries via this online form.
Thanks for reading,
Insync Physiotherapy Team
(02) 7226 3432